Growth and flourishing

How does Alison work in supervision? On this page, she talks about the values which inform her practice, how the supervision relationship works, and the importance of coaches developing in who they are, as well as in what they do.

‘What underpins my work is my deep-seated belief that I can contribute to my client’s growth, development and learning. My starting point is a very strong belief that my client has the potential to flourish.’

Photo: Ash Sealy

The three pillars of supervision

One of the most exciting developments to come out of Alison's doctoral research is a new model of supervision, which she describes as the three pillars of supervision. This model underpins the way she works, leading to genuine change, learning and growth in the people she supervises. See the three pillars in this diagram.

‘The three pillars are the supervision relationship, an understanding of adult learning, and promoting reflective practice.’

Read more below about the three pillars of supervision.

See how Alison's approach has helped her clients