How supervision makes a difference

Alison’s clients talk about how their supervision with her has enriched their coaching practice. Supervision involves learning about process, technique and relationship, and it is about how to improve our practice. But more than that, supervision involves learning about ourselves as coaches. Says Lindsay Wittenburg:

‘When I leave a supervision session, typically I feel energised, excited, rooted, resourced and enriched. Quite often, I can’t wait to see the client again, and wish I was just about to start the next session with the client.’


‘It’s my essential motivation to learn about how can I improve my practice,’  ‘How can I learn about what’s going on for me, what I’m bringing to this? What’s my part in this, in this dance, in this interchange?’

Lindsay Wittenberg

‘I get to discover more ways of seeing what it is that is going on in my practice, and often what’s going on in my life, and very often what’s going on in the lives of my clients.’

Justin Wise