30th June 2016OH cards

My use of OH cards has been partially inspired by the work of Mooli Lahad, an Israeli psychotherapist and supervisor, who works in high, post traumatic stress arenas. He argues that the most effective method of supervision uses both right and left hemispheres of the brain, the intuitive and the logical. His work with picture cards is drawn from expressive arts therapies.
Picture cards and metaphor can provide a springboard for a story. They offer the opportunity for us to tap into our imagination, have some fun and stimulate new ideas and thoughts without needing to ‘get it right’ or be logical. Working with metaphor and picture cards enables the supervisee to ‘play’ and discover things that are happening in the client situation or in their own practice and process.
The insights that emerge from working with the cards may often surprise us with their apparent initial lack of connection to the presenting issue, but by way of association and storytelling, new interpretations and solutions can arise. You can use the cards to assist in diagnosis, deciding upon an approach to the situation or client, to notice recurring patterns of behaviour with the client, and to identify your own patterns and how these may impact on your client relationships.
Each individual deck of OH cards can be used on its own or in conjunction with any of the others, like building blocks for creativity. Unlimited variations are possible. Easy-to-follow instructions for play and work are included with every deck.
If you would like to purchase OH cards through Alison, please contact her here.
Thanks to Oh-Publishing for permission to use the image above.