A refreshing approach to facilitation
1st November 2016
Shedding light through relational supervision
2nd December 2016
A refreshing approach to facilitation
1st November 2016
Shedding light through relational supervision
2nd December 2016

Judgmental ignorance or critical reflection?

Despite my concerns – indeed misgivings – about some aspects of the use of technology in our highly relational practice of coaching and supervision, I surprised myself when I recently booked to attend a workshop at OBCAMS in Oxford which was scheduled for late on a Friday afternoon.

Not only would the afternoon traffic from London to Oxford be heavy, but the workshop was due to end at 6.00pm, so the traffic coming back to London would be heavy, too! I would probably spend longer in traffic than at the workshop! So, I wonder, why was I drawn to it?

Well, there was a workshop with David Tinker, who was demonstrating the use of 3D in-world avatars for coaches/supervisors. From David’s YouTube clip, there appear to be really creative possibilities for either the coachee or supervisee to explore work and client-based situations and relationships, working virtually and metaphorically.

I was intrigued that in spite of the hideous traffic, I’m curious to learn more. I also realise that as I delve deeper into the impact of technology on our world, I hold the belief that if I’m going to be critical, the least I can do is explore and participate wholeheartedly, engaging from ‘the inside’, rather than dismissing in judgmental ignorance from the sidelines.

Photo: Screenshot from David Tinker’s ProReal coaching session