Edna Murdoch and Alison Hodge
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Photo of people sitting with pads on laps by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash
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Edna Murdoch and Alison Hodge
Talking together with Edna Murdoch (video)
10th May 2019
Photo of people sitting with pads on laps by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash
The special power that changes people and situations
20th June 2019

Working with the parallel process in group supervision

In supervision sessions we are working with those issues that the coach chooses to bring into the room. The coach invites us to explore what might be happening to their client, to themselves, and between the two of them. Sometimes we stay solely with that which our client reports.

At the same time, the way in which the coach engages with the supervisor, both in terms of content and at a relational level, may reflect what is happening within the overall client system.

For my short introduction to parallel process in the context of group supervision, follow the link below to download the paper I produced for the Montreal Supervisors’ Conference of 2019:

Working with the parallel process in group supervision

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash