A deeper way of being with your client (video)
14th November 2019
Themes for the year ahead
7th January 2020
A deeper way of being with your client (video)
14th November 2019
Themes for the year ahead
7th January 2020

Taking creativity for a walk

Over the past year, I’ve been working in a new way by engaging in group supervision in diverse locations. There’s been a growing trend for coaches and supervisors to move their work with clients from the indoor world of rooms and offices into the outdoor world of parks and the countryside, or into galleries, museums and other cultural spaces.

I’ve written before about two of these experiences of group work on location, following visits to Tate Modern last December, and Kew Gardens in April this year. By changing location and including movement in my work, my intention has been to stimulate new and diverse connections, tap into our creativity and imagination differently, and hopefully to enable greater emotional awareness and insight.

I’ve now written an article presenting my reflections and key findings about this new area of work. It’s entitled ‘Taking creativity for a walk: An action research inquiry into coaching supervision on location’, and has been published in the autumn edition of the online journal, e-Organisations and People (e-O&P), published quarterly by the Association of Management Education and Development (AMED).

Download my article here: Taking creativity for a walk

Find the complete edition here: e-O&P, Autumn 2019

I’m very grateful to AMED for the opportunity to write about this work, and for their kind permission to post the article here.

Photo by Gareth1953 All Right Now under CC BY 2.0