10th October 2016

Action research or researching action?

I’m going to be exploring the theme of ‘action research or researching action?’ at a coaching conference on 18 November at Coaching at MDX 2016. I’m noticing frequently how action research informs my practice and how I engage with my clients and the issues they bring to supervision. As a […]
29th September 2016

More leaders are developing coaching skills

As the demands of constant change, unpredictability, increasing technology and globalisation continue, more and more leaders are seeking to develop coaching skills. In helping their people find their own solutions rather than expecting them to comply to orders from above, organisational cultures are also changing. There is growing evidence that […]
26th September 2016

Workshop on the brain: how do I know when I know?

I recently attended a three-day series of lectures on the brain. This was a residential programme with two x 90 minutes lectures at the start and end of each day with some voluntary (not altogether relevant) experiential workshops in between, which I opted out of. As I think back on […]