6th February 2019

Conferences 2019

Over the coming months, I’m attending numerous conferences, some of which I’m offering a session on, others I’m attending solely as a delegate. Where possible, I’ve included links so you can explore the timetables and sessions that interest you. I’ll keep this list updated, and if anyone would like to […]
30th January 2019

Coming of age in our profession

I was at the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies 15th Annual Coaching and Mentoring Conference at Oxford Brookes in mid-January. It proved to be a thrilling day, as graduates of the university’s masters and doctoral programmes in coaching and mentoring presented a wonderfully eclectic range of research projects. […]
29th January 2019

Attending to boredom

I was recently drawn to a piece written by Steven Chapman on his blog Can Scorpions Smoke? It’s about boredom and procrastination, both words which can have such pejorative connotations. As I asked myself, ‘When do you get bored, Alison?’ my thoughts took me to a myriad of associations. When […]
28th January 2019

The value of an academic approach (video)

I finished my doctoral research project about four years ago now and before I embarked on it, I saw myself very much as a practitioner. An academic was remote, untouchable and in ivory towers, in libraries or in academic environments. But through engaging in my project, I was able to […]