14th November 2018

The value of not knowing (video)

In organisations, the people who come to coaching often assume they’re meant to be experts. They’re meant to know how to do their jobs, and they’re meant to be masters of their practice. But the coaching relationship allows them to come and say, ‘I’m confused, I’m uncertain, and I’m scared.’ […]
13th September 2018

How live demonstration leads to deep learning and insight

Ten years ago, whenever I heard someone was doing a live demonstration in coaching, I would think, ‘Wow, how incredible!’ It was fantastic to see another professional working, and I wondered whether I could ever dare to do this. What I was fearful for was whether I could be ‘perfect’ […]
8th August 2018

Making sure we are fit for purpose

For the last three or four summers I’ve taken several weeks off, and it’s now become a must-do. I usually go for a tai-ji retreat in Herefordshire, full of fresh air, meditation and tai-ji practice, which is about balance, feet on the ground, and flow. From there I have often […]