12th July 2017

The art of the ending

In my experience as a coaching supervisor, endings have given me more pause for thought and more professional challenge than almost anything else. I’ve found there are at least three different endings. The first and most satisfying ending goes like this: ‘Let’s agree it’s time to end our work. You […]
5th July 2017

Leading and learning in team coaching

The Coaching Supervision Academy launched an exciting new training programme for team coaching supervisors in March. The programme, which I led, included three days of training in central London, and three evening teleforums. We completed the final module a couple of weeks ago, and what rich learning there was for […]
3rd July 2017

Imposter syndrome or great coaching?

Lis Merrick has written a comprehensive piece on her blog about imposter syndrome, Women at work – Are you faking it? This phenomenon affects both men and women, particularly those who are successful. So, without regurgitating Lis’s piece, let me share what the theme raises for me, because I find […]
29th June 2017

Valuing the betwixt and between phase in career transition

At the recent EMCC Research Conference in Greenwich, the opening keynote gave Professor David Gray the opportunity to explore the theme of liminality and fragmentation in the trauma of career transition into coaching. What he said was based on his major study into concepts of professional identity. What I found […]