19th March 2019

Digging for gold: My profile in Coaching at Work

I was delighted and honoured to be profiled in the latest (March/April) edition of Coaching at Work magazine. The profile is based on an interview with the editor, Liz Hall, and I’m very grateful to her for giving me the opportunity to talk about some of the key aspects of […]
28th February 2019

Working with groups: A two-day development programme

I’m leading a development programme over two days in Dublin this May, entitled Working with Groups. The programme is for experienced executive coaches and coaching supervisors, and is run in collaboration with CSA Ltd and TIO Consulting. The programme will be experiential, with live supervision demonstrations, and practical application to […]
6th February 2019

Conferences 2019

Over the coming months, I’m attending numerous conferences, some of which I’m offering a session on, others I’m attending solely as a delegate. Where possible, I’ve included links so you can explore the timetables and sessions that interest you. I’ll keep this list updated, and if anyone would like to […]
30th January 2019

Coming of age in our profession

I was at the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies 15th Annual Coaching and Mentoring Conference at Oxford Brookes in mid-January. It proved to be a thrilling day, as graduates of the university’s masters and doctoral programmes in coaching and mentoring presented a wonderfully eclectic range of research projects. […]