26th November 2018

Advanced diploma helps to facilitate creative collaboration

Artgym has just published details of its Advanced Diploma in Facilitating Creative Collaboration for the UK in 2019, which begins with a ‘virtual kick-off’ on 8 February. I’m delighted to be a member of the faculty for this programme, as supervisor of the virtual action learning sets, and the Self […]
20th November 2018

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life… revisited in the 21st century

Dr Diana Shmukler, clinical psychologist, teacher and supervisor, is leading a course at the Oxford University Summer School for Adults next July, and it promises to be highly creative and applicable across many disciplines, including coaching supervision. The Summer School describes itself as ‘bringing together a cosmopolitan range of like-minded […]
14th November 2018

The value of not knowing (video)

In organisations, the people who come to coaching often assume they’re meant to be experts. They’re meant to know how to do their jobs, and they’re meant to be masters of their practice. But the coaching relationship allows them to come and say, ‘I’m confused, I’m uncertain, and I’m scared.’ […]