29th January 2019

Attending to boredom

I was recently drawn to a piece written by Steven Chapman on his blog Can Scorpions Smoke? It’s about boredom and procrastination, both words which can have such pejorative connotations. As I asked myself, ‘When do you get bored, Alison?’ my thoughts took me to a myriad of associations. When […]
28th January 2019

The value of an academic approach (video)

I finished my doctoral research project about four years ago now and before I embarked on it, I saw myself very much as a practitioner. An academic was remote, untouchable and in ivory towers, in libraries or in academic environments. But through engaging in my project, I was able to […]
25th January 2019

Group supervision on location

More and more of us, as coaches and supervisors, are taking our clients out of their comfortable or familiar office environments into the open air, into nature, walking and talking, exploring and discussing, moving towards outcomes and goals, both literally and metaphorically. From Aristotle to the present day, people have […]
14th December 2018

Sharing our work in live demonstration (video)

During this past year, I’ve led several live demonstrations with small groups of coaches and supervisors before a wider audience. I’ve written before about how live demonstration can lead to deep learning and insight, and I explain more about the experience of working in this way in the video below. […]