9th August 2016

Integrity, humanity and humility – and Brexit?

A number of my supervision clients have raised the question as to what of the qualities of integrity, humanity and humility our politicians demonstrated in the build up to the Brexit referendum. This reminded me of an inspiring keynote by Lord David Owen at the Ashridge Relational Coaching Conference in June entitled […]
9th August 2016

EMCC Edinburgh conference

Conference: 1-3 March 2017 At the EMCC Conference in Edinburgh in March 2017, I am leading a session called ‘Managing the complexities of multi-stakeholder contracts in coaching assignments.’ The session takes place on 2 March. Whether we’re external coaches or part of an internal coaching team within an organisation, the client/coach relationship […]
9th August 2016

Full Spectrum Supervision

Edna Murdoch and Jackie Arnold’s book, Full Spectrum Supervision, takes the reader into the heart of reflective practice and provides fascinating insights into the complexities of this transformative work. The book, subtitled, Who You Are Is How You Supervise, offers the reader a unique view of what actually happens in supervision and shares […]