26th September 2016

Workshop on the brain: how do I know when I know?

I recently attended a three-day series of lectures on the brain. This was a residential programme with two x 90 minutes lectures at the start and end of each day with some voluntary (not altogether relevant) experiential workshops in between, which I opted out of. As I think back on […]
16th September 2016

Coaching supervision is here to stay

Over the past few months I’ve attended several coaching conferences and I’m delighted to hear how supervision is now being discussed as an integral element in the practice and ongoing professional development of many coaches, especially those working in the corporate sector. I find it heartening that this groundswell of […]
14th September 2016

One-day workshop for coaching supervisors

Sydney workshop: 25 January 2017 There are many advantages for coaches to come together in a group for supervision of their practice. At the same time, as supervisors, we can find it extremely challenging when faced with the diverse experience, learning styles, needs and expectations of the participants. In this […]
14th September 2016

Two-day workshop for coaching supervisors

Sydney workshop: 23-24 January 2017 In Sydney, Australia, I’m leading a two-day workshop in January offering an opportunity for coaching supervisors to deepen their self awareness and professional practice through reflective practice in group supervision. This programme is for experienced coaching supervisors who wish to explore and reflect on their own practice as supervisors. During the two days, […]