17th April 2018

Working systemically: Contracting with multi-stakeholders in coaching

I’m looking forward to leading a workshop in Sydney on Tuesday 1 May. If you’re in Sydney that evening, I do invite you to come and have some fun and learning as we explore multi-stakeholder contracting together. Please book here if you would like to join the workshop. The question […]
11th April 2018

Developing your understanding and skills for team coaching supervision

Bookings are now open for the Team Coaching Supervision Development Programme, which takes place in London this autumn. Now in its third consecutive year, this powerful development programme, which I’m leading in collaboration with the Coaching Supervision Academy faculty, is for qualified and practising coach supervisors who want to develop […]
3rd April 2018

What is happening to conversation?

What is happening to conversation? How is digitisation affecting our being with ourselves, being with each other, and being able to pay quality attention to our supervisees? What is happening now to our capacity for dialogue? We have many means of communicating: texting, email, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, What’s App, […]
15th March 2018

Where Did You Learn To Behave Like That?

The title of Sarah Hill’s recently-published book, Where Did You Learn To Behave Like That? says it all for me! If as a coach or consultant you have ever asked or been asked this question, you know that you are likely to be thinking back and remembering experiences from your […]