17th July 2019

New virtual coaching supervision group starts this September

From September, I’m starting a new virtual coaching supervision group for 4-5 professional coaches/supervisors. We’ll be exploring and reflecting on different aspects of your coaching/supervision practice and professional development. Themes that may arise include: • What can I learn about myself from being in the group that might inform what […]
30th June 2019

The value of reflection (video)

I’m really struck, over the years I’ve worked in supervision, how more and more we are emphasising the process of reflection on practice that supervision involves. A recurring question that arises with some of my clients is perhaps personified in a statement from one client, who said, ‘You know, Alison, […]
25th June 2019

At a coaching supervision conference in Montréal

I’ve just returned from a wonderful coaching supervision conference in Montréal, Canada, organised by the Americas Coaching Supervision Network. I don’t often describe conferences as wonderful. Sometimes, they’re interesting, sometimes they’re stimulating, sometimes they’re worthwhile, sometimes they’re just ok. So what was different about this one? Well, there was a […]
20th June 2019

The special power that changes people and situations

In this guest blog, Dr Franz Fendel, an executive coach from Darmstadt, Germany, who works with Dorothée Fendel in the management consultancy, Fendel & Partner, talks about his experience of the EMCC conference in Dublin in May. As a learning-oriented team, we recently participated in the annual conference of our […]