10th May 2019

Talking together with Edna Murdoch (video)

My close friend and colleague Edna Murdoch and I frequently spend time talking about all the issues that surround supervision, and how it plays out in our lives. We’ve recently decided we’d like share some of these conversations online in a series of videos. ’Talking together’ is going to be […]
10th April 2019

A group supervision day at Kew Gardens

I met with my supervision group yesterday at Kew Gardens, as part of our group supervision on location. Imagine our surprise when we discovered the Chihuly Exhibition was already installed and ready for the official opening on Saturday, 13 April. So, in among the tulips, the cherry blossom, and the […]
19th March 2019

Digging for gold: My profile in Coaching at Work

I was delighted and honoured to be profiled in the latest (March/April) edition of Coaching at Work magazine. The profile is based on an interview with the editor, Liz Hall, and I’m very grateful to her for giving me the opportunity to talk about some of the key aspects of […]