5th October 2019

Taking supervision into the great outdoors (video)

’Talking together’ is a series of video conversations between Edna Murdoch and me. It’s our regular dialogue space, where we discuss ideas, tap into trends we’re noticing or books we’re reading, and share themes from our client work and the wider field. Our second conversation is about taking supervision groups […]
26th September 2019

Mapping the dynamics of team coaching

In the past few years, it has become evident to team coaches and those who supervise them that the practice of team coaching often presents challenges that are significantly more demanding and complex than anything which emerges in one-to-one coaching. David Clutterbuck and I carried out an online research survey in 2017, […]
30th June 2019

The value of reflection (video)

I’m really struck, over the years I’ve worked in supervision, how more and more we are emphasising the process of reflection on practice that supervision involves. A recurring question that arises with some of my clients is perhaps personified in a statement from one client, who said, ‘You know, Alison, […]
25th June 2019

At a coaching supervision conference in Montréal

I’ve just returned from a wonderful coaching supervision conference in Montréal, Canada, organised by the Americas Coaching Supervision Network. I don’t often describe conferences as wonderful. Sometimes, they’re interesting, sometimes they’re stimulating, sometimes they’re worthwhile, sometimes they’re just ok. So what was different about this one? Well, there was a […]